Our Power Platform Solutions


Manage your assets throughout their entire lifecycle while capturing automated maintenance, corrective maintenance, and inventory management. View more...


Track and monitor visitors' on-premises activity through a digital configured receptionist. View more...

help desk

Track all employee complaints across multiple channels and speed up ticket resolution with the help of proactive automations and highly customizable workflows. view more...

human 360

Smartly self-serves employees with Human Resource needs like request, loan application, pay slip generator, and appraisal performance. view more...


Get an up-to-date information and analysis of on employee devices usage. view more...


Manages all patient-clinic interactions, from registration, booking to diagnosis and treatment. view more...


Control inventory, sales, security, to mitigate employee fraud. view more...



Book a ride, join a ride, rate drivers, and manage organization's fleet expenses and licenses through the WeBer carpooling solution. view more...

yummie zone

Order your food from different food vendor offering variety of delicacies. view more...

petty cash

Petty Cash

Easily manage, track, and claim petty expenses. view more...

Our Microsoft Teams Solutions

cash advance

Monitors employee cash requests and retirements for proper accountability. view more...

employee lookup

Enable corporate teams to create and send messages intended for multiple teams or large number of employees where they collaborate. view more...


Track participation and reward employee activities and effort in the workplace. view more...

Our SharePoint Solutions and Other Technologies

Digital Workspace

Built on the foundation of Microsoft SharePoint Online, Digital Workspace is a productivity platform where all business tools are converged for centralized access and simplified experience. view more...

travel request

Travel Request automate and manage traveling processes from logistics to accommodation. view more...


Manage all purchasing expenses within the business to ensure swift approvals. view more...

risk recording

Risk Recording

Track project risk to capture and avoid near misses. view more...


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